City Museum of Novi Sad announces exhibit of our famous painter Daniel Gutesa, opening on Wednesday March 23rd, 2016. in the Foreign Arts Collection building, Dunavska 29.

City Museum of Novi Sad announces exhibit of our famous painter Daniel Gutesa, opening on Wednesday March 23rd, 2016. in the Foreign Arts Collection building, Dunavska 29.
City Museum of Novi Sad and Museum of Vojvodina are taking part in traditional “Healthy Teeth Week” organized by the Red Cross of Novi Sad and numerous health and educational institutions. Creative workshops for kids will take place on Tue/Wed (March 22nd and 23rd 2016) in Dunavska 29 and Dunavska 35, Novi Sad.
With great pleasure City Museum of Novi Sad is announcing the exhibit “Beginning of IT in Novi Sad in context of general history of computer development”, first of its kind in Novi Sad. Grand opening scheduled for Friday, March 18th at 7pm.
Place: Foreign Arts Collection, Dunavska 29 Time: Wednesday, February 24th, 2016. at 7p.m. City Museum of Novi Sad invites you to an exhibit where prof. MSc Branka Janković Knežević will talk about her arts on her current exhibit “Branka Jankovic Knezevic, Portraits” that marks four decades of her work.
CIty Museum of Novi Sad is proud to announce a new exhibit: „BRANKA JANKOVIĆ KNEŽEVIĆ. PORTRAITS“. Grand opening on Monday, February 1st 2016 at 7pm, in the Foreign Arts Collection building, Dunavska 29, Novi Sad. Exhibit is open until March 10th, 2016.
Promotion or The Alamanac of the City Museum of Novi Sad, No.10, will take place in the Foreign Art Collection, Dunavska 29, on December 30th 2015. at noon, welcome! Godišnjak muzeja Grada Novi Sad – 10
City Museum of Novi Sad presented a grand, completely renovated exhibit space – Atrium on Petrovaradin Fortress on 17th December, 2015.
City Museum of Novi Sad proudly presents an exhibit about Bishop Irinej Ćirić. Grand opening is scheduled for Monday, December 7th at 7pm in Cultural Centre of Novi Sad, Katolicka Porta 5. Exhibit ends on December 20th, 2015.
City Museum of Novi Sad announces a new exhibit, Glamour in bottles, starting Thursday, November 5th at 6pm in the Foreign Arts Collection, Dunavska 29 street, Novi Sad.
City Museum of Novi Sad Week program will take place on Tuesday October 20th and end on Thursday October 22nd 2015