Dear visitors, our Foreign Arts Collection and Homeland Gallery Sremski Karlovci will be closed for remodeling until further notice. We invite you to our exhibits in our Arsenal buiding and the Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj exhibit in Sremska Kamenica.

Dear visitors, our Foreign Arts Collection and Homeland Gallery Sremski Karlovci will be closed for remodeling until further notice. We invite you to our exhibits in our Arsenal buiding and the Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj exhibit in Sremska Kamenica.
This years’ traditional Week of City Museum of Novi Sad exhibit consists of two parts: 1. Notary of Sremski Karlovci’s past Juraj Raškaj (1880-1950) Author: dr Gordana Petković Wednestay, 25th of October at 7pm Sremski Karlovci, Patrijarha Rajačića 16 2. Painter Vasa Eškićević Authors: dr Mirko Peković and Gordana Bulović Friday, 27th of […]
City Museum of Novi Sad will host the “Percussion Pistols and Revolvers of the Military Museum Collection” exhibit, from 4th to 16th of October, 2017. Author of the exhibit is Vuk Obradovic, senior curator. Grand opening is on Wed, Oct 4th, 2017 at 7pm, Foreign Arts Collection, Dunavska 29, Novi Sad.
Every 100th visitor gets a free ticket, and every 500th visitor gets a free ticket and a publication!
Exhibit: Winemakers of Sremski Karlovci and Painting Exhibit Colors of My Dreams Opening on Thu, Sept. 7th 2017. at 7PM, Sremski Karlovci, Patrijarha Rajacica 16. Open until Sept 10th.
“Jovan Jovanović Zmaj” Memorial Collection (The Museum of Zmaj) will be closed for visitors between Aug. 28th and Sept. 11th, 2017. For any additional information you may call +381 21 6432055
The Good Old Typewriter Exhibit by Divna Gacic and curator Mariana Ratkelic Lazic of City Museum of Novi Sad shows a selection of rich and valuable typewriter collection, different makes and models, from the end of 19th century to the ones made in former Yugoslavia near the end of 20th century. Grand opening is on […]
City Museum of Novi Sad and Military Museum Beograd are opening the exhibit KOJEKUDE KARAĐORĐE, authors: Gordane Bulović and Mirka Pekovića. Friday, 07. 07. 2017. 8PM Foreign Arts collection, Dunavska 29, Novi Sad.
City Museum of Novi Sad invites you to witness the creation of real works of art on cakes and muffins by twenty-two year old Sasha Aleksic. Starting Sat, June 3rd 2017 at 7pm, Foreign Arts Collection, Dunavska 29, Novi Sad. Free Admission!
City Museum of Novi Sad in cooperation with Museum of Yugoslavia announces opening of the Royal Gifts exhibit, 25th of May at 8 P.M. in the Atrium on the Petrovaradin fortress. Exhibit remains open until June 29th, 2017.