The Serbian/French tradition of nurturing culture is more than a century long. Friendly relations between the two countries reflects throught the prism of art and creation of numerous artists between Belgrade and Paris. CIty Museum of Novi Sad proudly presents the lives and works of famous Serbian painters from the Seine riverbanks, including Vladimir Veličković, […]

ETERNAL ROME IN OUR CITY! We invite you to see 33 unique masterpieces of antique art. The “Roma Aeterna” exhibit will be shown in our Foreign Arts Collection, July 1st – September 11th 2020.

Foreign Arts Collection will be closed until 17th of March 2020. for exhibit setup.

Our Underground Military Galleries will be closed for public due to congoing construction work.

City Museum of Novi Sad announces the Novi Sad Rotary Club (1929-2019) exhibit, celebrating 90 years since Rotary Club was founded in Novi Sad. The grand opening is on Tuesday, October 1st, 2019.
City Museum of Novi Sad is announcing an exhibit about grinders, grand opening scheduled for Friday, March 15th, 7pm in the Foreign Arts Collection building, Dunavska 29, until April 15th, 2019.

City Museum of Novi Sad celebrates March the 8th by giving free admission for all women in all four locations! Welcome!
Exhibit: “UNTER ANDEREN – AMONG OTHERS” *60 portraits – 60 stories* Grand opening scheduled for Thursday, March 7th in the City Museum of Novi Sad central building, Petrovaradin fortress.
City Museum of Novi Sad is announcing an exhibit about Novi Sad developlent through history, grand opening on Thursday, February 14th at noon, Foreign Arts Collection building, Dunavska 29, Novi Sad.